Jun 6, 2022

Blue Top Ridge Golf Tournament Results


On June 5th and 6th, the Iowa Tri-State Chapter of the Amateur Players Tour held their first two-day event at the beautiful Blue Top Ridge in Riverside, Iowa. We had 39 competitors ready to battle it out. The weather was perfect on Sunday, but there was a chance of rain Monday. Luckily, the rain would subside and hold off until the tournament was complete.  The temperature did warm up quite a bit causing it to be hot, but it was enough to dry the wetness from the fairways and greens.  

Division one was our smallest field with only two competitors, but they were ready for the head-to-head challenge ahead of them. Kyle Yerrington came out the victor in their division shooting a 75 the first day and 74 the second. He beat out national chapter owner Matt Minder who shot an 80 on day one and 79 on day two.  

Division two had a field of 10 players. Brian Vance started out strong on Sunday with a 1 stroke lead over Craig Furnish. Furnish struggled in round two but Vance was able to play well and continue holding the lead and give him the win by 3 strokes. Allen Moore was able to come through in round two to take home second place by 2 strokes over Charlie Estabrook. 

Division three had some close competition. Round one had Iowa chapter owner Paul Schmitz leading the pack by one stroke over Simay Souvannarath and Nathan Simler. Round two was proved to be a tougher day. Schmitz couldn’t hold the lead and ended up in a score card playoff for second with Pete Alepra. Schmitz won the play off and took second. Mike Konuch who shot an 84 in round one was able to take the win by shooting and 86 on the second day. He ended up winning the division by 1 stroke. 

Division four came down to a play off for the win on day two. This division had a total of 12 players excited to take on the course and their competitors. Round one was a tie for first between Paul Brown and Ryan Hohanshelt with a 5-stroke lead. On day two John Romine had a great round with the best score round of 81 which put him in a tie for first with Brown. Both players headed to hole one to see who would take home the trophy. Brown teed off first with a nice shot down the middle of the fairway. Romine hit his tee shot to the right in the tall rough. After a bad second shot Brown was able to hit his third shot 15 feet below the pin. After finding his ball in the rough, Romine hit his second shot long and left of the green into more rough. Once he found his ball, it took him 4 more shots to get to the green. With Romine laying 6 on the fringe, Brown was able to two putt for a 5 and the victory. 

Our division five was a small field with 5 competitors. Perry Galusha was in the lead after round one by one stroke over Scott Brenton. Day two Galusha had a nice round that kept him in first. Galusha was able to take the victory by 8 strokes over Brenton.  

Thank you to all the players that came out to support and enjoy the course with us. Blue top was a challenging but beautiful course to play a 2 day on. We would also like to thank the Pro and the staff at Blue Top for the help and hospitality. We look forward to seeing our members and guests at our next event in Iowa City at Pleasant Valley GC on July 10th. 

The next three events are as follows: 

Pleasant Valley GC in Iowa City on July 10th, 2022 

Fyre Lake GC in Sherrard Illinois July 22nd, 2022 

Hunters Ridge GC in Marion Iowa August 8th, 2022 


Blue Top Ridge Winners

Division 1 Champion

Kyle Yerrington

Amateur Golf Iowa

Division 2 Champion

Brian Vance


Division 3 Champion

Mike Konuch


Division 4 Champion

Paul Brown


Division 5 Champion

Perry Galusha
