May 16, 2021

Western Triad Classic Golf Tournament Results

Today, course knowledge was key for the winners. We crowned 5 winners in the final round of the WTC. 4 of 5 winners lives within in just minutes of the Winston Salem golf course.

In Division 1 the players played Champions course at 7000+yds and Brian Hayes held a 2 shot lead over the field. Hayes settled into his round after hole 5 and was cruise control until the back nine. Ivan Jones 4 shots back to start the day cut Hayes lead to 1 shot after hole 13 but Hayes prevails with a 76 today (153 total). Jones 75 today(156 total).

In Division 2 there were 7 players 2 shots or less of the lead. In the early going it became a 3 player race. On the back nine Jordan Fritts began to rally and separate himself from the competitors. Jordan shot 75 to take victory over Mark Ballew by 3 shots. Jordan (79,75)154. Ballew (80,77)157.

In Division 3 Alex Bectha held day 1 lead over Jason Beeson and Mike Cherry. The 3 players were paired together and off the went. Beeson made things very interesting with his 39 front and just like that he had the lead. Matching the 39 on the back nine put Beeson in the victory circle once again. Beeson (82,78). Cherry (85,79), Bechta (80,84).

In Division 4 Christy McCauley comes in with a 4 shot lead. After a few hiccups on the front today McCauley lead was down to 1. Aaron Tripp played well enough to be in reaching distance of McCauley. The players went back and forth on the back nine only for the end result to be McCauley to be victorious. McCauley (84,87) 171 (88,86) 174.

In Division 5 Shane Kilby held a 4 shot lead over the very recently hot Cal Rogers. Rogers has started the year out with 2 wins,2runner ups and 3rd. Kilby was not phased by the recent good play of Rogers today as he held his 4 shot lead most of the day. Kilby (89,95) was good enough for the victory over Rogers (93,95).


World Triad Classic Winners

Division 1

Brian Hayes

Amateur Players Tour Carolina Triad

Division 2 Champion

Jordan Fritts

Golf Tournament Winner Amateur Players Carolina Triad

Division 3 Champion

Jason Beeson

Amateur Golf Tournament Winner Carolina

Division 4 Champion

Christy McCauley

Golf Week Winner Amateur Players

Division 5 Champion

Shane Kilby

Winner Golf Tournament Carolina Triad