Feb 20, 2022

Silverado South Golf Tournament Results

Division 1

Nick Mcclendon with a round of +2(74) was our champion in Division 1. Nick's +1(36) on the front side propelled him to a two shot lead over Ony Velez. After a birdie on 10 Nick increased the lead to four. Ony would close the lead back to two after 17, where both players would birdie the 18th keeping the margin at two. Nick was awarded $175 visa gift card and barrel trophy. Ony was awarded a $50 visa gift card for his 2nd place finish.

Division 2 

Billy Witt with a round of +8(80) was our champion in Division 2. After a difficult front nine Billy's +6(41) would be good enough for a one shot lead over Phil Caccamise & two shots over Savy Ly. The 10th and 11th holes is where Billy would take control making Par-Par while his nearest competitor would leave those holes two over. After a bogie, double bogie on the 12th and 13th Billy would give his competition a chance, but would close the final five holes -1 expanding the final margin to eight over 2nd place finish Savy Ly. Billy took home $150 visa gift card and barrel trophy! 

Division 3

Rich Fong with a round of +16(88) was our champion in Division 3. After the opening nine, three players(Rich Fong, Marty Martinez, Tim Brown) were all with in three shots of each other. Rich would shoot a solid +5(42) back nine resulting in a six shot win over second place finisher Marty Martinez. Rich was awarded $150 visa gift card and barrel trophy.

Division 4

Felix Monjes with a round of +12(84) was our champion in Division 4. After a starting out -1 though five holes, Felix is showing that his practice is paying off. Assuming he keeps improving and posting solid numbers another promotion could be in his future! Felix would finish the front nine at +5(40) opening up a four shot lead on his nearest competitor. Felix would have a more typical back nine closing with a +7(44) resulting in a score of 84 on the day. Felix would finish eight clear of 2nd place finisher South Florida Chapter owner Brandon Casella. We thank Brandon for making time to join us during his work trip to the Napa Valley. Felix would take home $175 visa gift card and barrel trophy for the win. Brandon would take home a $50 visa gift card for second place.

Division 5

Michael Cosselman +28(100) was our champion in Division 5. Michael opened up a six shot lead after the front nine, but would face a challenge from Carlos Diaz who would take a one shot lead after the 12th hole. The players would battle back and fourth resulting in both players standing on the 17th tee tied. Michael would show his tournament experience and finish the last two holes with bogie - birdie to close out the win. This was Carlos's first event, we hope to see him again and possibly in the winner's circle soon! Michael was awarded $125 Visa Gift Card and barrel trophy for the win! We want to thank Michael for traveling from Las Vegas to join us for this event.


Silverado South Winners

Division 1 Champion

Nick Mcclendon

Amateur Players Tour Golf Tournament

Division 2 Champion

Billy Witt

Amateur Golfers In California

Division 3 Champion

Rich Fong

Golfers In Northern California

Division 4 Champion

Felix Monjes

Amateur Senior Golf Tournaments

Division 5 Champion

Michael Cosselman

Amateur Players California