Mar 27, 2022

Clustered Spires Golf Tournament Results


Strong gusting winds was blowing for our first tee time start on a Sunday afternoon, winds continue to blow, mother nature was angry upon us. It didn’t take long for it to pick up to around 30-40 mph+ with temps in the low 40s.   The course was in great shape and the greens running fast. 

Division 1: 
The wind didn’t affect Ian Patterson from the Maryland Chapter in D1 who carded (85) to win by three shots over second place finisher Pete Carter. Coming in third was Steve Shriner.  

Division 2: 
In D2 winner was from the Virginia Capital Nathan Beck, shot (81) and held on to win by one over second place finisher Jeff Sowden and Joe Rapp coming in third with an 84.  

Division 3: 
The D3 winner was John Friedman from the Philly Chapter with a (86) and two-stroke victory. Then followed by a three-way tie for second with Fred Levine, Thomas Hundley and Dave Reichelt who came in with a 16 over (88)  

Division 4: 
The D4 winner was Patrick Cronin from the Philly Chapter, shot a (89) to win by one over second place Berry Neun (90) and coming in third was Kermitt Bowen from New Jersey (92)   

Division 5: 
D5 winner was Brandon Harley from the Philly Chapter shot a (97) to win by two over Jim Bulicki, another Philly member with a (99) coming in third was Fred Holbrook with a (103).  

Senior Net: 
The Senior Net went to Berry Neun took first followed by Patrick Cronin in second and Nathan Beck in third.  

Congrats to all winners 
Job well Done!


Clustered Spires Winners

Division 1 Champion

Ian Patterson

Amateur Players Tour Golf Tournament

Division 2 Champion

Nathan Beck

Golf Events In Maryland

Division 3 Champion

John Friedman


Division 4 Champion

Patrick Cronin

Golf Events In Maryland

Division 5 Champion

Brandon Harley

Golf Tournaments For Players Tour

Senior Net Champion

Barry Neun

Senior Amateur Players Tour