Jun 5, 2021

Memphis Chapter’s Pickwick Golf Event Results


Division 1 had a shootout featuring two of the division’s top players. Jeff Dickey played the last 7 holes 3 under to catch Ed McDugle on the last hole. Both players ended at 74. Erd birdied the first playoff hole for his first win of the year.

In Division 2 The top 2 players in points battled for the top spot. In the end Ronnie Fowler bested Phillip Roberts by 1 stroke shooting a 1 over 73.

Division 3 was competitive at the top of the leaderboard all day between Russ Brassel, Ande Jones and Davidi Foshee with Russ leading at the turn. In the end it was consistent play throughout the round that put David Foshee on top with an 82 and Ande Jones a close second with 83. Russ stayed in the mix until a couple of double bogies late in the round put him at 84 for third.

Tim Western was on fire early in Division 4 and made the turn at 5 over par. Andy Gregory and George Powell hung with him until late in the round when Tims consistency held the other 2 off for the win by 2 strokes with an 83. Andy Gregory comes in with and 85 for second and George hung on with and 87 to take third.

At the turn Division 5 saw Vince Vaghela and Chris Montoya tied for the lead. It was neck and neck until Vince outscored Chris by 3 strokes on the last 2 holes to win by 2 with a 98. Chris came in second with the score of 100.


Pickwick Winners

Division 1 Champion

Ed McDugle

Amateur Players Tour Memphis Chapter Golf Event

Division 2 Champion

Ronnie Fowler

Amateur Players Tour Winner Tennessee

Division 3 Champion

David Foshee

Amateur Players Tour Pickwick Landing Tennessee

Division 4 Champion

Tim Western

Pickwick Landing Golf Tournament Amateur Players Tour

Division 5 Champion

Vince Vaghela

Golf Week Tournament Winner Amateur Players