May 21, 2022

Big Sugar Golf Course Tournament Results


The Arkansas Amateur Players Tour traveled to northwest Arkansas to take on Big Sugar Golf Club. The weather forecast was not favorable for the 17 players competing at Big Sugar Golf Club, as the rain was inevitable. As all the players made it through the front nine, we would have to take a short break and wait for lightning to pass before we could play out the back 9. After the storm passed, we would continue and play out our back 9 and crown 5 new champions. 

In Division One. Jeremy Rogers would become the Division One champion, shooting a total score of 99. 

In division two. Don Weiss jr. Would take an early lead over Brian Hawkins and Mark Brailey. Posting a score of 40 on the front 9. As Division Two would play out their back 9. Don Weiss jr. from the Nashville Chapter would become the Division 2 champion at Big Sugar Golf Club, posting a total score of 82. Brian Hawkins would have finished in second place, posting a score of 86 and Mark Brailey taking third place with a score of 91. 

In Division Three. LR Gardner would break out early with one shot lead over Billy Moulton on the Front 9. As Division Three would play their back 9, LR Gardner would go on to become the Division Three champion at Big Sugar Golf Club, Posting a final score of 92. Billy Moulton would take home second place, posting a final score of 94. Doyle Wofford from the Houston chapter would take home third place, posting a final score of 97. 

In Division Four. Jeff Corder would jump out in front early, posting a score of 41 on the front nine. As Division Four finished our final nine holes Jeff Corder would become the Division Four champion, posing a final score of 91. Paul Orovets From Kansas City Chapter would finish in second place. Posting a final score of 97. Nick Taylor would also post a final score of 97. 

In division five. Jordan Kimbriel would find himself with the early lead, shooting a 51 on the Front 9. As division pack would play through the Back 9. There would be a change in the leaderboard. Tracy Taylor would withstand the cold and rain to chase down Jordan Kimbriel. Tracy Taylor will become the division five champion, posting a final score of 106. Jordan Kimbriel would finish in second place, posting a final score of 107. And Travis Kimbriel would take home third place, posting a final score of 110. 

Thank you to all the players that made the trip to Big Sugar Golf Club. Not even a little bit of rain and lightning could stop us from having a fun day on the course. Hopefully we will see abundant sunshine and warmer temperatures as we head towards Hot Springs Village, to take on Magellan Golf Club June 4th. Tee times will start at 1:00 PM. Please get registered early as there is limited spots.  


Big Sugar Winners

Division 1 Champion

Jeremy Rogers

Amateur Golf

Division 2 Champion

Don Weiss, Jr.

Tournament Golf

Division 3 Champion

LR Gardner

Handicap Golf Tournament

Division 4 Champion

Jeff Corder

Arkansas Golf

Division 5 Champion

Traci Taylor

Women In Golf